Hello everyone, Darin here. I’m here to tell you why Inconvenience Store was our pitch of choice for our Capstone Game.
At the beginning of Fall 2020, every person in our team gave pitches on game ideas they came up with and would like to work on. There were many good candidates, but we put it up to a vote where each person could vote 3 times. Due to that vote, we came to 2 final contenders. Those contenders were Katana Cowboy, and Inconvenience Store. So with such a cool name as Katana Cowboy, how did Inconvenience Store – originally named Grocery Game – possibly win?

Well, when we were down to two games, we split our nice, friendly team of programmers and artists into two warring factions attempting to prove who had a superior game idea (If you were curious, I went with Katana Cowboy). After a little time to create a core idea, we reconvened and went over the fleshed-out idea and the proof of concept.

Inconvenience Store had a boy rag-dolling, running around, and throwing a box. The whole idea was to make a wacky store that had crazy minigames that could make a regular store a fun job. And Katana Cowboy had… a basic character with an enemy lock on mechanic. We had an amazing idea for gameplay and a storyline… but there wasn’t any juice. We couldn’t come up with what was happening between core story points. And with the idea being about mixing the western Cowboy with Samurai inspiration, there was a lot that could be misinterpreted and cause problems. Plus, with everything going on in the world at the time of creation and the style of games that were becoming popular, it made a lot of sense to go with a fun wacky multiplayer game.
The final result was a unanimous decision, with the professor and the other production team in our class also agreeing. Inconvenience Store was such a good choice to allow a fun distraction to play with friends and has been very fun so far to make. Can’t wait for you guys to experience the fun yourselves!