Meet the team of six programmers and six artists of Orange Slice Studios who are working hard to turn the Inconvenience Store dream into reality.

The Programmers of Orange Slice Studios

Kiran Cotting - Programming Lead
Kiran is a systems/physics programmer who has created most of the high level data management and systems code as well as the customization system, several menus, and the "Drag and Shop" minigame. Some of his favorite games are Planetside 2, The Witness, and Borderlands 2.

Kendra Aumann-Weyenberg - Programmer
Kendra is a programmer who has been working on minigames for Inconvenience Store and also maintaining the team’s blog and Facebook page. Some of her favorite video games include Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, and Super Smash Bros. She once worked as a counselor at a summer camp with over 100 species of animals, but cats are still her favorite animal.

Darin Belleau - Programmer
Darin is a programmer who has been working on minigame design and programming for the Carts and Checkout minigames for Inconvenience Store. He has recently enjoyed getting back into Monster Hunter World in anticipation of the new release, as well as some competitive games like Apex Legends and Valorant. He enjoys streaming gameplay on Twitch irregularly and has a soft spot for all animals.

Alex Hallee - Programmer
Alex is a systems programmer who’s been working on the movement system, the minigame control system, and online networking. His favorite games include Pikmin 2, Hollow Knight, and Super Mario Sunshine. Hobbies include skiing, frisbee golfing, playing piano, and learning useless info about older games. He once got really close to getting a hole in one while frisbee golfing and is very proud of that fact.

Jacob Schultz - Programmer
Jacob is a programmer who has been working on sound effects, the full store, break room, and some menus. His favorite games include Divinity: Original Sin 2, Knights of the Old Republic, and the Mass Effect series. He loves playing Dungeons and Dragons and board games with friends.

Jacob Youakim - Programmer
Jacob is a programmer who has done a lot of work with the character and more recently in the creation of the minigame “The Back”. He loves music, playing games with friends, and fantasy books. Some of his favorite more recent video games include Valorant, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and Enter the Gungeon.

The Artists of Orange Slice Studios

Joseph Ceranski - Producer
Joseph is a 3D Modeler who has been working on various assets for the game, such as produce boxes, pallets, and player customization options. He has recently been playing exclusively Cyberpunk 2077, however, his favorites include Witcher 3 and Super Smash Bros. Outside of working on making games, he likes to play Dungeons and Dragons, spend time with friends, and collect far too many jackets.

Syd Simonis - Art Manager
Syd is an environment artist who loves the simple things in life, like correct file naming conventions and clean UV’s. Outside of game development, she likes knitting, playing guitar, and baking. Her recent favorite games are Hades, Tyranny, and Felix the Reaper.

Jace Brockopp - Art Lead
Jace is Concept Designer, Illustrator, 3D modeler, and all around 2D artist for Inconvenience Store. He created the initial pitch for the game along with the player-character design. He enjoys playing games with his friends, drawing, and making ceramics. His favorite games include Dark Souls III, Noita, Minecraft, Hypnospace Outlaw, and Red Dead Redemption 2.

Brooke Mahoney - Artist
Brooke is both a level designer and a 3D modeler for Inconvenience Store. She has been making food assets for the store and keeping in contact with our musical partners over at Berklee College of Music. She enjoys composing music, writing, and playing board games with friends. Her favorite games include Dishonored, Half-Life 2, The Witcher 3, and Danganronpa 2. But according to her, nothing beats the thrill of finding something cool at a thrift store.

Simon Meyer - Artist
Simon is a UI/UX designer who has been working hard on all of the user interface elements within Inconvenience Store. When he isn’t working on a project, he loves to cook and play with his pet rats. A few of his favorite games are Bloodborne, Grim Dawn, and the Monster Hunter series.

Ashley Uecker - Artist
Ashley is an animator who has been working on the main character and NPC animation for Inconvenience Store. Outside of game design, she enjoys playing softball, horseback riding, and listening to video game scores on repeat. Some of her favorite games include Animal Crossing, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Alice: Madness Returns.